Answers >> Chengdu >> Lifestyle
  • simplyaryna

    Why should I learn Mandarin Chinese?

    6 years agoin Lifestyle-Chengdu
    Answers(5) Comments(0)
  • NatashaL
    It is a popular language and being used in worldwide, so it will be a potential good language in the future
    6 years ago
  • Ryzhov
    I dont know depends on your self as if you like it you learn otherwise not , like i did on other languages, also you should consider the use of it if it is necessary to you.
    6 years ago
  • AdnanT
    To capable more language is not a bad thing
    6 years ago
  • Hasmik

    It is just a personal interest i guess, as if you are interested in this language.

    Then you may get involve into it. Also it will be a new skill to you

    6 years ago
  • chengdudrama
    That's because you are in China!
    6 years ago

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